Dr. Anna Gersh, Founder
The shocking and tragic series of events during 2019-2020 that culminated in the murder of George Floyd crystalized the One Love Symposium from a group of loosely related ideas into a clear plan of action. My practical experience as an educator, a member of Ann Arbor’s Task Force to create a Police Oversight Commission and Washtenaw County’s Policing Compliance Commission as well as nearly 10 years supporting professional learning has convinced me that we are not powerless to influence how our public servants carry out their duties. There is a professional relationship across the service sector that can be developed and has been understudied, until NOW.
The One Love Symposium is an innovative model for the collection and consideration of Community Input.
THIS One Love Symposium is dedicated to examining the question: What does a healthcare professional, a teacher, or a police officer need to Know to be GOOD at their job?
Together, we can set improved standards for the performance of public service sector work. JOIN US!
Our Team - Youth Data Collectors

Our Team - Cool CATs: Critical Adult Thought-partners