The One Love Symposium is thrilled to announce, after much dedicated work,
The Human Services Professional Course is NOW Available!!
Michigan Department of Education Approved 33 SCECH Credits, Digital Badge also available!
Join Us for a UNIQUE Professional Learning experience!
Register HERE Now!
From our participant evaluations:
“This class has inspired me and really made me think. I’m already using what I’ve learned in my work.”
“The most useful experiences for me were the conversations with people with different experiences and perspectives. The course materials and resources will also be very valuable to refer back to.”
The next cohort will be ONLINE, JANUARY 2024
This course provides an opportunity to prepare individuals for the general experience of working with the public. It is an interpersonal relations course that is also a step zero for DEI. Students will learn informational database use; basic applied research skills; group process skills.
Highly valuable experiential learning for anyone who is interested in a low cost, high impact professional learning experience that is guaranteed to develop the culturally curious mind!!
The Human Services Professional
Students will gain an understanding of interpersonal communications as applied in three high impact human services professions: Education; Healthcare and Law Enforcement. Using basic applied research techniques, participants develop skills to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of interpersonal communications at the point of service with an emphasis on exploring key cultural and social differences among service providers and resource seekers that influence the outcomes of such interactions.
Participants will examine:
· Interpersonal Communication
· Human Services
· Cultural Diversity
· Applied Research
· Data Analysis
· Google Forms
Unit Order
Best Practices: Advice about point of service contact from high impact professions
Regional Awareness: Who Are We? - Data about your region of service
Community Sourced Knowledge: What Do We Want? - Developing a research question
Ideals: Philosophy of the Point of Service
**Certificate upon Completion**

One Love Symposium
Writing Contest Winners!!
As part of the One Love Symposium’s public data collection efforts in support of the Human Services Professional, we asked youth to write about their most important and totally universal human values. We asked them to approach the project using any form of writing, as long as their submissions included:
A universal human value
Something about that value that they learned from someone else
Something about that value that could be found in mythology or other ancient human written records
Something about that value that would work in a school paper - like a more traditional reference
One teacher at Ypsilanti High School made our contest his class project! Many Thanks to Mr. Ted Mero at YCHS for his support of this project and for letting us get to know his AWESOME students!!
First Place ($200.00): Jasmin Price (Ypsilanti HS) - Read Jasmin’s winning writing project HERE
Second Place ($100.00): Robert Caddell (Ypsilanti HS) - Read Robert’s writing project HERE
Third Place ($50.00): Tytianna Zowa & Amin Campbell (Ypsilanti HS) - Read Tytianna’s project HERE & Read Amin’s project HERE
Honorable Mentions: Langston Singleton HERE, Alexus Arnold HERE, & Kiara Gross HERE
Thanks to ALL who submitted writing projects!! We are continuing to collect submissions and reaching out to other teachers and youth programs in hopes of publishing our One Love Symposium Anthology of Universal Human Values! Stay Tuned!!
Saying Goodbye and See You Soon to our Brilliant Youth Data Collectors!!
Thank You for a GREAT Final Event of 2022! Didn’t get to check it out?
LINK to March 24 2022 One Love Performances and Panel
Building a Better Way to Teach About Difference
Thanks to Stratton Setlist for this GREAT writeup of our events!
The One Love Symposium is a series of events including community conversations, musical performances, and expert panels.
Be Here, Be Heard!
The topic of discussion is how we want to be treated by some of the most influential people in our lives, including Doctors, Teachers, and Police.
Our goal is to bring attention to knowledge gaps at the Point of Service and engage the community in a process to build that knowledge together
Youth Data Collectors at the Broad Museum at MSU 12 November 2021 - Art Voice, Youth and Expressiveness
LINK to One Love Symposium FUNdraiser LIVE Stream - 28 October 2021
One Love Logic Model - Community-Sourced Professional Knowledge
One Love Symposium - PREVIEW Event at Ann Arbor District Library 28 September 2021 (scroll to bottom of AADL page for YouTube link)
Opening Remarks: WHY One Love & The Point of Service Moment
Phase 1 Data Collection Brief Visual Summary: The Youth Data Collectors
The Value Propositions of The One Love Symposium
Press for One Love Symposium:
MLive - 22 September 2021
All Things Considered - 16 August 2021
Concentrate - 25 August 2021
Our Goals:
The One Love Symposium hopes to engage youth, representatives from the arts, and working professionals in a public scholarship event to consider what it is we all have in common. What are our universal human values?
At the end of the symposium we will consider what our contributors have taught us about the most important aspects of being human, from their unique perspectives. This project aims to provide a collaborative vehicle for social change lifting up and uniting voices of Youth, Artists, and Working Professionals.
This knowledge will be used to inform a professional learning curriculum that we believe can be used to improve the quality of teachers, healthcare professionals, and police. This 21st Century worker would be known as the Human Services Professional.
Symposium Anthology
What began as a Teen Writing Contest has been expanded to create a One Love Symposium Project Anthology. Over the course of this effort we have attracted writers across a broad range of age groups; all interested in articulating their most influential human values. We hope to create a book of universal human values - the natural philosophical underpinning of an information gathering goal dedicated to describing what we all have in common.
CASH prizes will be awarded for contest winners.
Arts Performances
The One Love Symposium understands the arts naturally employ universal truths to communicate. We will include artistic performances illustrating those enduring universals.
All performances will be compensated. This is a key driving value of the One Love Symposium.
Professional Meetings
Collaborations with working professionals in the three target fields of Education, Healthcare, and Law Enforcement will be a key feature of the One Love Symposium. We plan to include presentations, panel discussions, and live streamed working groups as part of this event.
Working professionals will provide a critical perspective to help contextualize and summarize, what we learn.
This summary will be submitted to the Michigan Civil Rights Commission and the Michigan Department of Education to lobby for state sponsorship of a conference to further develop the professional dispositions and key competencies of The Human Services Professional.